Tuesday 14 July 2015

Tips to Keep You Safe While Doing Online Shopping In Bangladesh

Online shopping is worth your time and money when they are in question. Today Bangladeshi lifestyle is changing rapidly and Bangladeshis are simulating lifestyle of developed countries of the world. Therefore, online shopping in Bangladesh is getting momentum gradually. However, it is not par and safe as in western countries. Here are some tips to do it safe and securely.

Today society in Bangladesh, by-and-large, is passing through a transition phase from underdeveloped to a developing and may be as developed at any point of time in near future. Government is functioning in democratic ways and uplifting the life of people in the country through various measures. Education rate is picking new peaks and people are living busy lifestyle as their western counterparts are doing.

Proliferation of mobiles and penetration of Internet are factors pushing e-commerce at new levels. Online shopping in Bangladesh is gradually becoming trend, as almost everything is available and within reach of fingertips or just a click on the web. We can list numerous benefits of online shopping viz. time saving, fuel saving, opportunity to do comparative shopping, and many more in different contexts.

Unfortunately, each coin has two facets so online shopping has some dark shadows looming on Bangladeshi shoppers too. Let’s check some of them in brief here.

Heavy is Suspicious

When you find that any e-commerce store or ads on the web, whether it is on social media or elsewhere, is luring you through offering unbelievably high discounts or incentives, look at them with suspicious eyes. Remember that reputed brands never sale their products at the cheapest rates or offer heavy discounts that make your head wobble.

Usually, brands are passing their savings on brick store investment and other overheads in measurable percentages, never at half or one-third rates. Unfortunately, scammers in Bangladesh are enough and know how to trap new generation shoppers by victimizing them based on their immaturity and freedom offered by illiterate or less educated parents.

This is the best way to save you from possible cheating or frauds. Smart online shoppers are directly logging in with original website or mobile app of the brands, instead of going via other routes. Thus, my next suggestion is secure your log-in credentials.

Secure Surfing
Today half of the online shopping is taking place through mobile devices, smartphones or tablets. Do you know Wi-Fi or mobile connection is considered insecure across the world and it is more vulnerable in, Bangladesh like, developing nations. Always keep your computing devices updated with security software and recommended security measures even though you have wired connection because passwords and credit card credentials are stored in cookies and hackers can access through hacking your system easily.

Cross Check before Big Deal
Bangladesh is not big nation that you can’t collect info of any reputed business using your personal or professional circles. This is imperative particularly when you are going to pay a big amount or making a big deal where your payment is in risk.

Ray of Hopes
Fortunately, among the misty online environment in Bangladesh, Payza Bangladesh like entrepreneurs have taken right steps to offer secure and easy online shopping experiences in pure Bangladeshi contexts. Moreover, such payment gateway in Bangladesh have made money transactions cheaper and safe through forming alliances with local and international banks.

If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to share them with us by leaving a comment below or joining us on our Payza Facebook and Twitter pages.

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