Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Bangladeshi Businesses Favors Buy Button of Facebook Commerce

Facebook has devised and tested Buy button for all levels of businesses. Its success is in favor of small to medium businesses of Bangladesh because they are heavily relying on Facebook for traffic and reputation. Moreover, lean approaches of Facebook to integrate and to let people select the payment gateway of their tastes and choices may prove a boon in Bangladesh as Payza Bangladesh is obvious choice of people for safe and secure transactions.

Great Aspirations of Facebook
Since the beginning, Facebook is eyeing on e-commerce activities comingled in its social media environment. Therefore, initially it had introduced virtual money in various games, but responses were not good. Now, it has followed the experiment of Twitter and introduced a ‘Buy’ button in its ads, chats, and post pages to purchase products or services directly without re-routing on any website or mobile app of the particular business.

Its beta testing is indicating desired success and shoppers are reluctant to use new approach of Facebook towards e-commerce. Fundamentally, Facebook has potential to become an e-commerce giant against its ultimate rivals like e-bay, Amazon, Google, Apple, etc. but in a bit different way and manner. Whatever are the aspirations of Facebook by entering in e-commerce arena, one thing is sure that Bangladeshi businesses are in win-win situations.

Importance of Facebook Commerce in Bangladesh
Before citing anything about Facebook commerce, let me tell you how Facebook had played vital role in the growth of online shopping in Bangladesh. Initially, very few entrepreneurs and brick stores have courage to enter in online shopping opportunities. They have selected Facebook for their online media and won hearts of millions through effective presentation of products/services and after sale support.

No doubt, until today Facebook is a choice for online shopping outlet development in Bangladesh, as it is low cost investment for online shopping identity for Bangladeshi businesses of small to large scale. Facebook has enormous number of users in Bangladesh and numbers are still rising at rocket speed.

Mobile proliferation and easy Internet access had poured more fuel in growth of Facebook commerce. Almost all major to minor brands have Facebook presence in form of Facebook fan pages or commerce pages. Businesses are in race to win more likes, share, and getting good reviews of their commercial adventures.

Conductive Environment for Facebook Commerce in Bangladesh
These all have created a conductive environment for Bangladeshi businesses to use Buy button explicitly. Brands have earned great trust of its patrons and potential consumers upfront. They now need ‘Buy’ button like conversion agent to hit their conversion goals with the shortest loop of buying process for online shoppers in Bangladesh.

Moreover, Facebook allows online shoppers to select payment methods and payment gateway of their choice as well as express their willingness to share their private data with Facebook for future checkouts. These lean approaches of Facebook have placed ease for shoppers to go with their favorite Bangladesh payment gateway provider like Payza Bangladesh.

Payza is not only offering the cheapest alternative for e-transactions, but it also is ensuring high security and safety for its users. Thus, Bangladeshi businesses are more reluctant to use Facebook commerce and ‘Buy’ button like initiatives willingly.

If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to share them with us by leaving a comment below or joining us on our Payza Facebook and Payza Twitter pages. 

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