Thursday, 18 June 2015

Fashion and Gadget Trends in Internet Shopping in Bangladesh

Bangladeshis are enjoying proliferation of online shops for their diverse needs. Among these shops, fashion and electronic gadget selling are trendier and benefiting two parties, the sellers and the buyers in many respects. Let’s see who is offering what in this online businesses.

In these days, Bangladesh is observing phenomenal growth of Internet usage due to smartphone craze. Of course, endeavors of governments and some entrepreneurs, in recent past, have begun to yield sweet fruits in form of increased e-commerce and other online activities involving many critical e-transactions.

Being a poor and deprived country, Bangladesh was lagging behind in the modernization race in recent past. Fortunately, many non-resident and resident Bangladeshis have tried hard to uplift the face of country by investing in diverse commercial activities. Thus, today Internet shopping in Bangladesh is enjoying special status and range of businesses/industries are coming up with their online identity by breaking many old barriers of trades.

Surveys on Internet Shopping in Bangladesh
Recent surveys on the Internet shopping behavior in Bangladesh had revealed many facts. Upon analysis of traffic, purchase tendencies, actual conversion, and status of Internet shops in Bangladesh have shown that Bangladeshis are getting maturity for Internet usage rapidly and online businesses are making good profits despite fierce competitions amongst them.

International Players
They have identified two areas as fast growing niches and they are fashion and electronic gadgets. For instance, Kaymu online shop is offering range of items for fashion, e-gadgets, kids, home appliances, and sports in nutshell at highly competitive rates. Kaymu is offering robust online shopping experiences with its advanced e-commerce technologies and worldwide network in multiple countries.

Local Players
However, local players are not lagging behind much in this e-commerce race and they are offering unique Internet shopping experiences with locally personalized scents. For example, Fortuna is a leading online shoe and bag store in Bangladesh and providing the optimal blend in style, quality, and affordability in footwear related items and their accessories by respecting local fashion trends.

As far as we are talking about the local players Chowdhury electronics is good option as online electronics store in Bangladesh. Bangladesh shoppers is one of the big harbors for retail items and hardly leave any essential items that we need in day-to-day course like groceries, households, fashion and apparels, health and beauty, kids related items, furniture, mobiles, PCs, machine and auto parts, etc. to name some. Nittodin is customer-centric marketplace with superb technologies and user experiences in form of highly personalization.

Secretes Behind the Success
Surveyors have noticed one more interesting thing, behind the success of these above described e-commerce stores. They have adopted highly secure payment gateways and payment methods, suitable to the tastes of Bangladeshi including Payza like big players. Thus, they respected the ultimate security related needs of Bangladeshi Internet shopping folks. Another factor was that they offer online shopping with home delivery and this is particularly true for online gift shops in Bangladesh.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Payza Bangladesh Provides Different Account Types for Sending and Receiving Money

Whether you wish to send or receive money online, accept payments for your sold products or services, or even managing businesses online, you need to have Payza account customized to meet your needs. Let’s check the account types and their benefits in e-transactions.

Bangladesh is a tiny country, but growing economy on the world map. Government, infrastructure, and Bangladeshis are growing mature over the time and trying to keep pace with advent of technologies. Today, Bangladesh has huge mass of migrant population outside the country that is fueling the native economy by sending money, work, and entrepreneurs in different modes.

Thus, the lifestyle of the average Bangladeshi is improving and modernization getting ways ahead. The ultimate side effect of this is in the growth of e-commerce and e-transfer activities using modern technologies and tools. Mobile and 3G/4G like communication forms have made Internet ubiquitous and easily accessible in the hands of poor to rich strata of society.

Role of Unique Payment Gateways

In wake of increased sending and receiving money interactions, Bangladesh needs customized and unique payment gateway solution providers who understand the goals of government and people by-and-large. Fortunately, Payza has taken bid to ease the sending and receiving money interactions of Bangladeshis online. In fact, Payza Bangladesh is integrating the latest and excellent payment gateway technologies in its offerings, exclusively for Bangladesh, time-to-time and going to offer different types of accounts with different sets of features and functionality.

Payza accounts allows users, who wish to do limited money exchanges in form of sending or receiving money across the world covering approx more than 190 countries. The Payza account types permit users to receive money with little fees in compared to other quality players and let them send money for zero fees. For non-residents Bangladeshis, nearly 21 currencies are available as options to send money in Bangladesh by converting them in Taka. Apart from these, these account types support various incentives and referral programs offered by Payza enabled merchants and other referrals.

Type #1: Personal Account
This account type is the most appropriate option for tech-savvy users. As, it lets them to sell/buy online, accept or make payments using credit/debit cards, users can send invoices to their customers if they use this account for business purposes, this account also let them to customize payment process, and send them instant notification on each interactions of either side. Of course, this type of account holders has to bear negligible or small amount of fees for sending and receiving money online or through e-transactions.

Type #2: Business Account
As its name suggests it is exclusively for businesses and enterprises, which have to manage one or more businesses and augment their brands using business names in all sorts of transactions. Therefore, this type of account gives all needed features and functionality for a reputed and intricate business whether doing e-commerce or working on Internet for multiple purposes. No doubt, Payza Bangladesh is recurring fees for such account worth the services it offers, but cheaper in compared to other players in the market for the same user experiences.

If you have any questions or comments, we invite you to share them with us by leaving a comment below or joining us on our Payza Facebook and Twitter pages.